Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander
Fundación Rafa Nadal, 2021- act
The Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander is a circuit of youth tennis tournaments that support the Rafa Nadal Foundation. It consists of 7 tournaments held in various Spanish cities, culminating in a master tournament in Mallorca. The aim of this tournament is to serve as a platform that contributes to the personal and sporting development of the participants, providing them with the necessary tools to internalize positive attitudes and behaviors.

About the trophy
The design of the trophy is based on the tournament's logo, a symbol associated with the character and strength of the tennis player Rafa Nadal. To transform this flat shape into a three-dimensional object, recycled black rubber is used, which is then placed on a recycled iron structure made from cans and scrap metal, painted in the same color. This assembly is screwed onto a circular aluminum base made from recovered production offcuts, on which the name of the tournament and the award category are engraved.
The trophy was created in three different sizes, corresponding to the different categories: the largest size for the Master tournament champion, the medium size for the champions of the standard tournaments, and the small size for the finalists. Packaging was also designed for the optimal transport of the trophies.